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Conductive Pipes are capable of transporting Minecraft Joules from Engines to BuildCraft Machines, such as the Quarry, Mining Well, and Oil Refinery. Energy traveling through Conductive Pipes is displayed as a solid blue line, with varying thickness depending on the amount of energy passing through the pipe. Conductive Pipes can explode if looped. There are 4 types of conductive pipe: Wooden, Stone, Gold, and Teleport.

Wooden Conductive Pipes

Wooden Conductive Pipes are used to extract energy from Engines or an Energy Link. They can be connected to Stone Conductive Pipes and Gold Conductive Pipes.

Stone Conductive Pipes

Stone conductive pipes are used to transport the energy after it has been extracted by the wooden pipes. These pipes lose 1% of their energy for each block travelled.

Gold Conductive Pipes

Gold conductive pipes are also used to transport the energy. These pipes only lose 0.01% of their energy for every block travelled and so it is better to use these for transporting power long distances. In theory, you could use these to make a power grid that can cover your entire world, so if you want to make a Quarry, just tap into your power grid.

Teleport Conductive Pipes

Teleport conductive pipes can send power to any other teleport pipe if placed by same player, on the same frequency, and have "can recieve" option activated. There is a distance limit, so placing pipes to "boost" the teleport signal may be needed.

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