Wooden Gear

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Wooden Gear
File:Wooden Gear.png
Name Wooden Gear
Type Item
Luminance No
Stackable Yes (64)
Data Value dec:4056
Mod Included BuildCraft

Gears are necessary to craft BuildCraft Engines and machines, like the Quarry. The gears must be constructed sequentially, so in order to make one Diamond Gear you need four Sticks, four Cobblestone, four Iron, four Gold and four Diamonds.

To make one Tin Gear, you need 4 Sticks, 4 Cobblestone and 4 Tin Ingots.

To upgrade a gear, simply place your gear in the middle and surround it on adjacent sides with the next tier material (wood -> stone -> Iron -> Gold -> Diamond).


Crafting the Wooden Gear





Wooden Gear

EMC = 16


Crafting the Stone Gear

Crafting the Redstone Engine


Wooden Gear

Wooden Plank



Wooden Plank

Wooden Gear

Redstone Engine

Crafting the Automatic Crafting Table

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