
Revision as of 04:03, 23 August 2012 by (talk) (exrqatSpXiz)

Your utility coaminpes offer insurance for gas, electric and water lines at very reasonable rates (usually at $ 5 a month for each, but it can vary). Your home owner's insurance only covers inside the house itself. If the water line breaks inbetween the house and the street, it is the homeowner that pays the entire bill. If you have a brand new home, it might not be necessary, but that is what insurance is all about, protecting against the unexpected. If you needed to hire a crew with a bobcat to dig out your lawn and replace a broken water pipe, it could easily run over $ 5k, so yes, I have the optional insurance for all my utitlities. A very small price to pay for the peace of mind in case something does happen. I hope this helps you.

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