Balkon's Weapon Mod
The Balkon's weapon mod is a brand new set of weapons that are added to the game. These include the: warhammer battleaxe flail halberd musket crossbow javelin spear knife cannon
These weapons are all crafted from vanilla matierials and are ranked the same as vanilla tools are for example diamond is the best wooden is the worst. All the weapons in this mod are unique but most of all i believe the musket warhammer and battleaxe are the most awesome :).
The Warhammer
Surprisingly the warhammer is the weakest of the three weapons being as it does least damage however the warhammer has a special charge ability which does extra knockback and is very usefull when stuck in a corner with creepers everywhere.
The Battleaxe
this is probably the best melee weapon as it has good knockback and is very high damage but sadly it requires 5 of your desired material (ex. 5 iron) and also it doesnt have a special ability.
The Flail is a weapon with two damaging actions, a throw and a swing. The trow is the most damaging and can go instantly into a swing, but it does decrease the durability quicker, and requires player to pull back the flail if they miss. The swing is a large range sweep attack, which is very good in dungeons or small spaces etc. This does however need the player to turn manually so you then wont be facing your enemies.
The halberd is a multi-task weapon, as it can be an axe or a spear. When in axe mode, it deals damage equal to 3/4 of the battleaxe damage, with 1.25x the speed and all the knockback. When in spear mode, it can easily deal high damage, but with no knockback, its best used on a weak creeper...
The Musket
By far the best weapon added is the musket a long range rifle capable of one shotting almost all mobs from a fair distance and also for if a creeper is too close and you dont have time to reload there is an optional bayonet which does about the same damage as an iron sword overall making a great weapon however as always the musket has its downfalls such as ammo being moderetly expensive and durability being low which all help balance the musket as to not make it too overpowered.
Another thing about the musket is its reload which can be a bit too time consuming under the wrong circumtances as you have to hold down right click and wait for 2 clicks until you charge the weapon and fire.