RedPower Logic Parts

Revision as of 20:19, 22 November 2012 by Mastergalen (talk | contribs) (1 revision)
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RedPower Logic Parts can't be placed in the game world, but are instead used as components for crafting other logic items.


Stone Wafer

Any furnace can be used for the Stone Wafer.



Stone Wafer

The Stone Wafer is used in the creation of most of the RedPower Logic recipes. It is the most basic component of all logic gates and cells. Some of it's most notable usages are in the Timer, Wireless Receiver, and the AND Gate.

Stone Wire


Stone Wafer

Stone Wire

Stone Cathode

Redstone (Torch)

Stone Wafer

Stone Cathode

Stone Anode


Stone Wafer



Stone Wafer


Stone Wafer

Stone Anode

Stone Pointer


Redstone (Torch)

Stone Wafer

Stone Pointer

Stone Redwire

Silicon Chip

Tainted Silicon Chip

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