
Ruby File:Grid Ruby.png ID: 1257
Emerald File:Grid Emerald.png ID: 1257:1
Sapphire File:Grid Sapphire.png ID: 1257:2

Gems, currently just rubies, sapphires, and emeralds, are added by RedPower. With the exception of Emeralds, which can be used to make the Sonic Screwdriver, the only use for them is to make tools with the speed of diamond tools but a durability of just 500. They cannot be crafted into armor. An iron pickaxe or better is required to mine gems.

Each gem is worth 1024 EMC.

The Tekkit Emerald is not the same as the vanilla Emerald and cannot be used to trade with villagers in 1.3.2.

File:2012-06-04 18.41.44.png


Every Gem is used to make the following items: Pickaxe, Axe, Shovel, Sword, Hoe, Sickle, Handsaw, and a Gem Block of their respective type. The only exception to this is the Emerald, which is used to craft the Sonic Screwdriver.


Each of these are made with the same pattern as the the vanilla versions, but using gems rather than materials like iron and diamond. Sickles and Handsaws can also be created using gems.

Gem Blocks

Ruby Block

Emerald Block

Sapphire Block


Sonic Screwdriver

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