Item Router

The Item Router is used to sort items on Conveyor Belts, much like a BuildCraft Diamond Pipe is used to sort items in pipes. 


The Item Router can accept inputs from BuildCraft Pipes, RedPower2 Tubes, and Applied Energistics ME Networks. However, the Item Router will only output to the air, an adjacent inventory, or a BuildCraft pipe.

To output item to RedPower2 Tubes, conect it to Relay directly or with BC pipe.

Item routers can pull things off of Conveyor Belts placed on top of them if that item has a valid route in the router.

Due to the ability of the Item Router to output items to the air, the top of the Item Router is a valid input but not output to avoid items bouncing in and out forever.


File:Item Router Interface.png

The colored slots in the Item Router GUI correspond to the colored faces of the five possible outputs for the Item Router. The Item Router cannot be rotated with a Precision Sledgehammer to change the color of each facing.


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