Magma Cream

Magma Cream
File:Magma cream.png
Magma Cream
Name Magma Cream
Type Solid Block
Physics No
Transparency Yes
Luminance No
Blast Resistance 2.5
Stackable Yes (64)
Data Value dec: 378 hex: 17A
EMC Value 792
Mod Included Vanilla
File:Magma cream.png
Magma Cream

Magma Cream is a vanilla Minecraft item that can be obtained sometimes by killing Magma Cubes, or crafted from one Slimeball and one Blaze Powder. It can be used to craft Blast Furnace Bricks, which are used to create the Blast Furnace. Magma Cream is also used in the crafting of Infernal Bricks.



Blast Furnace Brick

Infernal Brick

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