Mass Fabricator

Mass Fabricator
Name Mass Fabricator
Type Machine
Physics No
Transparency No
Luminance No
Blast Resistance no
Stackable Yes (64)
Data Value dec:250:14
Mod Included Industrial Craft 2

The Mass Fabricator is a considerably high cost, advanced machine that requires 1,000,000 EU to generate UU-Matter. This material in return is capable of creating almost everything in Minecraft itself. Note: using a Mass Fabricator to generate UU-Matter will drain power very fast. It is a good tip to have at least 1-2 HV Solar Arrays or machines similar to that amount of energy generation.

File:Mass Fabricator.png
Mass Fabricator

Scrap will greatly increase the speed and reduce the cost of the fabricator by 6 times. Scrap is consumed in the process, a total of 34 scrap is needed to create matter at maximum efficiency. To produce enough scrap to run the fabricator constantly, you need one Recycler for every 17.86 EU/t input (approximately). It's worth noting that scrap does NOT decrease power consumption; instead it will make more UU-matter for the same amount of energy. Scrap Boxes will amplify even more(its still unknown which is more effective). If pumping Scrap/Scrap Box from a Recycler to the Mass Fabricator, the pipes must connect to the bottom of the Mass Fabricator.

Currently, this, the Oil Fabricator, and the Terraformer are the only machines that are capable of accepting High Voltage from an HV Transformer or MFS Unit directly. If your Mass Fabricator is far away from your power source, this would be ideal. However, keep in mind that inadvertently using the Extreme Voltage side of the HV Transformer "will cause an explosion of considerable force, similar to a nuke."

Sending a redstone signal (excluding wireless redstone) to the Mass Fabricator will stop it from consuming power. A lever on the block next to it would also work to stop it. Using the wrench won't always give you back the Mass Fabricator, sometimes it gives you back an advanced machine block.


  Raw Materials Needed  
8 Glowstone Dust
24 Redstone Dust
10 Lapis Lazuli
24 Rubber
12 Copper
26 Refined Iron
1 Diamond
6 Bronze
6 Tin
32 Coal

Total EMC: 36,470


Oil Fabricator

Lava Fabricator


Input 1,000,000 (166,666 with scrap)
Output -
Storage 1,000,000 (166,666 with scrap)

Maximum Input: HV (512 EU packets) on any one face. Note that this is only a packet size limit - you can have an unlimited number of cables feeding one face of the machine, and an unlimited amount of packets going through one cable, so long as no packet is greater than 512 EU.

Note: a single Mass Fabricator cannot recieve more than 500,000 EU/tick.  

Video Tutorials

File:Tekkit Tutorials - IC2 5 - Mass Fabricators and UU-Matter

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