Project Table

Project Table

File:Project Table.png

Stackable Yes (64)
Item ID dec:137:3
Added by RedPower2

The Project Table is an enhancement of the Crafting Table, and combines a chest and a crafting grid. Items placed on the grid will stay in the grid, even if you close the GUI. It also has an integrated inventory of 18 Slots, which it will utilize to draw resources from when crafting the items.

Any player can see the contents of the Project Table, including what is on the crafting area.

It doesn't function like a normal crafting table in terms of Shift-clicking.



Wooden Planks

Wooden Planks


Crafting Table



Wooden Planks

Wooden Planks

Project Table

Video Tutorials

File:Minecraft Tekkit Project Table, Philosopher's Stone and Alchemical Chest

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