Quartz Grind Stone

Quartz Grind Stone

File:Quartz Grind Stone.png

Stackable Yes (64)
Item ID 902:1
Added by Applied Energistics

The Quartz Grind Stone provides a low-tech solution for grinding ores. It is much cheaper than its more high-tech counter parts, but it is slow and a considerable time sink. This item is a cheap version of a Macerator or a Pulverizer, as it can turn iron into  two iron dust, which can be smelted into bars. It can turn cobblestone into sand and coal into coal dust. This machine does not require power, but to counteract that function you have to crank the Wooden Crank by right clicking it to power the machine. If you have the patience, this can easily replace the Macerator and pulverizer.


File:Quartz Grind Stone with Crank.png
Grind Stone with Crank

In order to use the Quartz Grind Stone, you need a Wooden Crank. Right-click the grind stone with the crank in hand to install it, as long as there is an empty block above the grinder, or it won't fit. It will then go from looking like the top-right image, to the image at the left.

To start grinding; right click the crank or hold the right mouse button in while the crank rotates. It takes 8 turns on the crank to grind one ore.



Grind Stone GUI
Grind Stone GUI


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