Single-Use Battery

File:Picture single use battery (IC).png

Also known as T501-Non-Rechargeable Energy Storage Unit, each Single-Use Battery can store up to 1000 EU. That's 9000 EU less than their rechargeable counterparts... and you can't recharge them. However, they are much easier to produce in quantities and are easier to transport. TIP: Making RE Batteries is a bit more efficient for charging items,single use batteries have better storage though. Using Not Enough Items, you can't take a full stack of them (64).




1,000 (per battery)


Single-Use Batteries produce more energy than simply burning coal in a Generator.
*Coal makes 4000 EU if burned.
*Redstone is worth 500 EU.
*Macerating coal into dust costs 625 EU.

Ignoring the costs of making cables and hydrating the dust, the total potential energy of these ingredients are 4000+500+625= 5125 EU

From that you get 8000 EUs worth of batteries-- who needs the law of conservation of energy?! Not you!

You only have to think of what's worth more: 2875 EU and the portability, or a Cable and Redstone.

Just don't forget to hydrate the coal dust!

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