Sticky Resin

Sticky Resin
File:Sticky Resin.png
Name Sticky Resin
Type Item
Luminance No
Stackable Yes (64)
Data Value dec:30217
EMC Value 24
Mod Included Industrial Craft 2
File:Sticky resin on tree.png
Sticky resin on a Rubber Tree

Sticky Resin is an item obtained by

  • Right-clicking orange resin patches on Rubber Wood logs with a Treetap or an Electric Treetap.
  • Right-clicking black (empty) patches on Rubber Wood logs with a Treetap. You get a second harvest, but this also depletes the patch forever.
  • It is rarely dropped when chopping Rubber Wood down with an axe of any kind.
  • Right-clicking Stickreed in its final stage of growth with almost anything (there are a few Crop-related exceptions.
  • Crafting from UU-Matter at a ratio of 4 UU-matter to 21 resin.
Stickreed ready to be harvested for Sticky Resin.

Sticky Resin can either be smelted or Extracted into Rubber, the latter being the more efficient option. It can also be placed on the ground where it acts similar to Soul Sand slowing down all mobs and players, as well as reducing fall damage. The Sticky Resin that is placed can be taken back but when removing it it has a 10% chance of being destroyed and not returning.. Sticky Resin also regenerates on the tree at a slow rate. Sticky Resin is worth 24 EMC. Sticky Resin can also be used in place of slimeballs when making sticky pistons, and can also be used for making torches (same recipe as with coal/charcoal, but with Sticky resin substituted for coal/charcoal).  






Sticky Resin



Sticky Resin

RE Battery (Charged)


Sticky Resin



Sticky Dynamite


Sticky Resin



Sticky Piston

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