Biofuel Cell

Biofuel Cell
File:Biofuel Cell.png
Name Biofuel Cell
Type Storage
Luminance No
Stackable Yes (64)
Data Value dec:30227
Mod Included Industrial Craft 2

The Biofuel Cell is used to replenish a Fuel Can, which can later be used to refuel a Jetpack or to be used in a Generator for producing EU. Biofuel Cells, as opposed to Coalfuel Cells, are a renewable way to refill Fuel Cans.

The only downside to using Biofuel Cells is that the EU output is just over a third of the EU output of a Coalfuel Cell.


Bio Cell

RE Battery (Charged)

Biofuel Cell


Fuel Can (Filled)


File:Tutorial Biofuel

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