
Name Buffer
Type ?
Physics No
Transparency No
Luminance No
Blast Resistance ?
Tool Any
Stackable Yes (64)
Data Value dec:137:2
Mod Included RedPower2

The Buffer is a very simple sorting machine, very similar to a Chest with 5 separate compartments. When providing items to the buffer via Pneumatic Tubes, Pipes, or similar devices, each of the 5 input sides will fill a different compartment. For the Buffer from Immbis Core & TubeStuff mods, see here.

The Input and Output

The Buffer GUI

The output side has access to all compartments. This is very useful in combination with a Sorting Machine

A common application for this block is in situations where different inputs provide their materials at different rates.

A regular chest could easily be filled up by stacks of single items, leaving no space for other resources. 



The GUI for the Buffer shows 5 columns. These correspond to input sides of the machine.





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