Crystal Chest

Crystal Chest
File:Crystal Chest.png
Name Crystal Chest
Physics No
Transparency Yes
Luminance No
Blast Resistance ?
Stackable Yes (64)
Data Value dec:181:5
EMC Value 34,894
Mod Included Iron Chests

The Crystal Chest is a chest with 108 storage slots, the same as two double chests and 4 more than an Alchemical Chest. This is an extra 81 spaces when compared to a regular Chest.

The Crystal Chest is transparent, so the items within it are viewable from outside. It is compatible with Pipes and Pneumatic Tubes. It requires a stone pickaxe or greater to be collected. It has the same amount of storage slots as the diamond chest, but is transparent. It is not practical to make a Crystal Chest other than for looks. It is from the Iron Chests Mod.

Warning: This chest may cause lag on slower computers and servers: Reference






Diamond Chest





Crystal Chest

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