Dark Matter Hammer

File:Dark Matter Hammer.png
Dark Matter Hammer

The Dark Matter Hammer can destroy stone and ore faster than a Diamond Pickaxe and will never break.

All Dark Matter Tools have two Charge levels. level of current charge factors into tool breaking speed. When you charge it with V, the hammer can go up to three different levels. By right clicking it when it's charged, the hammer destroys all rock within a certain area, leaving only Dirt, Sand, Gravel, Clay, Water, and Lava. All destroyed blocks drop on top of you for easy pick up.

Charge Block destroyed :

  • 1 : 3x3x3
  • 2 : 5x5x5

Secondly it has two left-click functions, toggled with "C":

  • Normal impact mode : digs one block at a time.
  • Mega impact mode : digs a 3x3x1 area.
    • (This mode will take the time of whatever block you are hitting, regardless of the surrounding blocks.)


2 x 139264 (Dark Matter) + 3 x 8192 (Diamond) = 303104 EMC


Red Matter Hammer

303104 (Dark Matter Hammer) + 2 x 139264 (Dark Matter) + 2 x 466944 (Red Matter) = 1515520

Video Tutorial

File:Dark Matter Hammer ig.png
A 5x5 area dug by the Dark Matter Hammer.

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