
Name Lava
Type Fluid
Physics No
Transparency Yes
Luminance Yes, 15
Blast Resistance 0 (flowing), 500 (still)
Tool File:Bucket.png
Stackable Yes (64)
Data Value (Still Lava) dec: 11 hex: B (Flowing Lava) dec: 10 hex: A
EMC Value 832 (bucket)
Mod Included Vanilla

A lava pool.

Lava is commonly found deep underground at layer 10 and rarely on or near the surface in the form of lava pools. It is also commonly found in Volcanoes. Lava also appears as large oceans in the Nether. If you right click a block of lava with an Empty Cell, it will consume the lava source block and turn the cell into a Lava Cell. Buckets of Lava can be put into a Geothermal Generator for EU, and you can also suck up lava with a Pump. You can also craft lava source legitimately with U-U matter.






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