
Lighting affects visibility, Mob spawning, tree growth, and whether flowers and mushrooms will stay planted. Lighting can be provided by sunlight, torches, fire, lava, in-use furnaces, and certain other objects.

Light-emitting blocks

Blocks that emit light

The following values are the brightness of the block itself. The light emitted decreases by one for each square of distance from the light source. Glass does not diminish the light that passes through it, but water or ice reduces light that passes through it by 3 (2 for passing through +1 for normal block decrease). In Minecraft's source code, the luminescences are defined using the floating point values in the third column. In a weird quirk, these floating point numbers are fractions of 16, but are multiplied by 15 to get the integer light value. This means that both 0/16 and 1/16 (0.0 and 0.0625) correspond to the integer light value 0.

Icon Block Light Level Data Value
(Sunlight) 15 1.0F
Locked Chest
End Portal Block
Redstone Lamp, when active
Torch 14 0.9375F
Lit Furnace 13 0.875F
(Sunlight, when raining or snowing) 12 0.8125F
Nether Portal Block 11 0.75F
(Sunlight, when thundering) 10 0.6875F
Redstone Ore, when touched 9 0.625F
File:Redstone (Repeater, Active).png Redstone Repeater, when active
Lit Redstone Torch 7 0.5F
(Moonlight) 4 0.3125F
Brown Mushroom 1 0.125F
File:Brewing Stand.png Brewing Stand
Dragon Egg

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