Quantum Leggings

The Quantum Leggings.

Quantum Leggings is a type of Armor from Industrial Craft. It is extremely powerful, giving the user almost complete invulnerability, but also extremely expensive, having Iridium Plates as one of its components. Charged Leggings allow the user to sprint extremely fast (approximately 3.4 times faster) as well as the ability to swim faster until discharged. This sprinting effect is even further magnified if when traveling on Ice, allowing for the creation and usage of "highway" systems, made of Ice roads.

To activate the Quantum Armor's special abilities, sprint and hold the 'boost' key (Default key is 'L CONTROL'). This armor is the most powerful in Tekkit, along with Gem Armour from Equivalent Exchange.


Raw Materials:

2 Glowstone Dust

30 Refined Iron

6 Lapis Lazuli

20 Redstone

6 Copper

12 Rubber

4 Diamond

56 UU Matter

12 Bronze

12 Tin

48 Coal Dust (Coal in a macerator)

Video Tutorial


The Quantum Armor Leggings, like all other pieces of Quantum Armor, store up to 1 million EU, and can only be recharged in an MFS Unit, HV Solar Array, or a 3rd tier Charging Bench.

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