Tin Block

File:Tin Block 208px.png
Tin Block

Tin Blocks have very little if not no practical use in Tekkit. These blocks can really only be used for decoration giving a nice metal finish to aspects of your buildings. However, if one had too much tin then you could use 9 tin to create these blocks for storage purposes to save space in chests. This is possible because they may be converted back to tin ingots very simply.

Storage Saving Application

If you had too much tin then you could use 9 tin ingots to create these blocks for storage purposes to save space in chests. This is possible because they may be converted back to tin ingots very simply. It would take 576 [1]tin ingots to create one full stack of copper blocks, therefore condensing from approximately 9 full stacks of tin ingots into only one stack of copper blocks. Having approximately a 9:1 efficiency rating, this is true for all other metal blocks (i.e. Iron Block, Copper Block and many more).


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