Covalence Dust

(Redirected from Medium Covalence)
File:Covalence Dust ig.gif
The three types of Covalence Dust

Covalence Dust is used to repair tools and armour. Thus, it provides a great way to save wasted inventory space from multiple pickaxes when mining.

Covalence dust comes in 3 tiers; Low (Green), Medium (Cyan) and High (Blue). The amount of covalence dust needed to repair a tool corresponds to the amount of stone/ingots/gems needed to craft the tool eg. 3 low covalence dust is needed to repair a stone pickaxe which was crafted from 3 cobblestone, and 1 low covalence dust is needed to repair a stone shovel which was crafted from only 1 cobblestone.

Note: Enchantments will be lost when repairing tools and armor.

Types of Covalence Dust
File:Low covalence dust.png Low covalence dust can be used to repair wooden and stone tools, leather armour, fishing rods, and bows. It is worth 1 EMC.
File:Medium covalence dust.png Medium covalence dust can be used to repair iron, gold, bronze, ruby, sapphire, emerald tools and armour, flint and steel and shears. It is worth 8 EMC.
File:High covalence dust.png High covalence dust can be used to repair diamond tools and armor. It is worth 208 EMC.


Each of the Covalence dust recipes are shapeless. Therefore, the materials can be placed anywhere on the crafting bench.

Note: The low Covalence dust uses Charcoal, not coal and will only work with charcoal. The high Covalence dust uses Coal, and will only work with coal.



Medium Covalence



High Covalence


Alchemical Chest

Low Covalence



Medium Covalence



High Covalence



Alchemical Chest

Talisman of Repair

Alchemy Bag

High Covalence



High Covalence

Alchemical Chest


High Covalence



Alchemy Bag

Alchemical Tome

Divining Rod

File:Covalence dust medium repair axe.png
Medium covalence repairing tools.
File:Covalence repair (diamond).png
The repair of a diamond pickaxe.

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