Metal Chest Upgrades

Each of the Metal chests can be upgraded by right-clicking them with the upgrade item (normal chest, too). Here is a list of the possible upgrades along with their respective crafting recipes.


Normal to Copper

File:Normal Chest to Copper Chest Upgrade.png
Normal to Copper Upgrade

The Normal to Copper chest upgrade is used to transform an already-placed normal chest into a Copper Chest without displacing the items inside. To use it, simply hold it in your hand and right click the chest you wish to upgrade it will change color and upgrade the chest size from 9x3 to 9x5.





Wooden Planks





Normal Chest to Copper Chest Upgrade

File:Normal Chest to Iron Chest Upgrade.png
Normal to Iron Upgrade

Normal to Iron

The Normal to Iron chest upgrade is used to transform an already-placed normal chest into a Iron Chest without displacing the items inside. To use it, simply hold it in your hand and right click the chest you wish to upgrade it will change color and upgrade the chest size from 9x3 to 9x6. Refined Iron can also be used but provides no benefits.

Copper to Iron

File:Copper to Iron Chest Upgrade.png
Copper to Iron Upgrade

The Copper to Iron chest upgrade is used to transform an already-placed Copper Chest into a Iron Chest without displacing the items inside. To use it, simply hold it in your hand and right click the chest you wish to upgrade it will change color and upgrade the chest size from 9x5 to 9x6.

Copper to Silver

File:Copper to Silver Chest Upgrade.png
Copper to Silver Upgrade

The Copper to Silver chest upgrade is used to transform an already-placed Copper Chest into a Silver Chest without displacing the items inside. To use it, simply hold it in your hand and right click the chest you wish to upgrade it will change color and upgrade the chest size from 9x5 to 9x8.

Iron to Gold

File:Iron to Gold Chest Upgrade.png
Iron to Gold Upgrade

The Iron to Gold chest upgrade is used to transform an already-placed Iron Chest into a Gold Chest without displacing the items inside. To use it, simply hold it in your hand and right click the chest you wish to upgrade it will change color and upgrade the chest size from 9x6 to 9x9.

Silver to Gold

File:Silver to Gold Chest Upgrade.png
Silver to Gold Upgrade

The Silver to Gold chest upgrade is used to transform an already-placed Silver Chest into a Gold Chest without displacing the items inside. To use it, simply hold it in your hand and right click the chest you wish to upgrade it will change color and upgrade the chest size from 9x8 to 9x9.

Gold to Diamond

File:Gold to Diamond Chest Upgrade.png
Gold to Diamond Upgrade

The Gold to Diamond chest upgrade is used to transform an already-placed Gold Chest into a Diamond Chest without displacing the items inside. To use it, simply hold it in your hand and right click the chest you wish to upgrade it will change color and upgrade the chest size from 9x9 to 12x9.

Diamond to Crystal

File:Diamond to Crystal Chest Upgrade.png
Diamond to Crystal Upgrade

The Diamond to Crystal Chest Upgrade is used to transform an already-placed Diamond Chest into a Crystal Chest without displacing the items inside. To use it, simply hold it in your hand and right click the chest you wish to upgrade.

Storage values

Chest: 27 spaces

Double chest: 54 spaces (2 meters long)

Copper chest: 45 spaces

Iron chest: 54 spaces

Silver chest: 72 spaces

Gold chest: 81 spaces

Diamond chest: 108 spaces

Crystal chest: 108 spaces


  • Upgrades are slightly more expensive than crafting using the chest, so the only reason you would want to use these is if you have already filled up your chest and you don't want to have to unload the items and reload them again.
  • The Alchemical chest from Equivalent Exchange has 104 spaces and has an EMC value of 8987 compared to the Diamond chest which has an EMC value of 34886.

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