Category:Nano Armor

File:Full Nano Armour.png
Full Set of NanoSuit Armor

NanoSuit Armor needs to be charged to have it negate damage. A full set will negate nearly all damage done to the player, though Nano Saber s can do damage to a player wearing NanoSuit Armor, and the armor has to have charge remaining to work properly (At least 32 EU/t). A full suit of NanoSuit Armor includes the NanoSuit Helmet, Body Armor (Not chestplate), Leggings , and Boots . The Boots act as Rubber Boots . In the future, each peice of armor will have its own special ability. It is also used in crafting the QuantumSuit Armor set.


NanoSuit Helmet

Carbon Plate

Carbon Plate

Energy Crystal


Carbon Plate

Carbon Plate

Nano Helmet

NanoSuit Body Armor

Carbon Plate

Carbon Plate

Carbon Plate

Energy Crystal

Carbon Plate

Carbon Plate

Carbon Plate

Carbon Plate

Nano Body Armor

NanoSuit Leggings

Carbon Plate

Carbon Plate

Carbon Plate

Energy Crystal

Carbon Plate

Carbon Plate

Carbon Plate

Nano Leggings

NanoSuit Boots

Carbon Plate

Carbon Plate

Energy Crystal

Carbon Plate

Carbon Plate

Nano Boots

To craft a complete set of NanoSuit Armor you need:
- 21 Carbon Plates = 168 Coal Dust
- 4 Energy Crystals = 4 Diamonds + 32 Redstone Dust
- 1 Glass

Video Tutorial

Pages in category 'Nano Armor'

The following 4 pages are in this category, out of 4 total.

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